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Decoy Eggs or Modern Science?

Updated: Mar 29, 2021

The story of decoy eggs:

In the US, the lead conservation scientist at Paso Pacifico designed decoy eggs using her 3D printer software. Along her side, a special effects artist painted the eggs to make them look just like the real thing! Inside the design, there is a built-in GPS tracking device that not only mimics the weight of real-time eggs but, maps out smuggler routes when stolen. Together with the art, there’s no way poachers could tell the difference! Paso Pacifico has named these eggs the “InvestEGGators”, how clever! The only downfall though is that 1 decoy egg costs $100. Let’s work together so brands like Paso Pacifico can be brought to Canada and help conserve our local turtle populations from the impacts of poaching.

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